A Visit to Huobi Korea, a cryptocurrency exchange in Seoul, South Korea -- Office Confirmed Existed

South Korea South Korea
Field Survey Time:2021-01-27
A Visit to Huobi Korea, a cryptocurrency exchange in Seoul, South Korea -- Office Confirmed Existed
A Visit to Huobi Korea, a cryptocurrency exchange in Seoul, South Korea -- Office Confirmed ExistedA Visit to Huobi Korea, a cryptocurrency exchange in Seoul, South Korea -- Office Confirmed ExistedA Visit to Huobi Korea, a cryptocurrency exchange in Seoul, South Korea -- Office Confirmed Existed

테헤란로 (Teheran-ro), Seongdong, Seoul, South Korea

Reason for this visit

Recently, some investors have reported that they hope to expose more cryptocurrency exchanges in South Korea. In order to help investors understand the country's cryptocurrency exchanges more comprehensively, the survey team will go to South Korea for a field visit. 

On-site Visit

The survey team went to Seoul, South Korea to visit Huobi Korea, a cryptocurrency exchange. The survey address is 316, 2nd Floor, Tehran Road, Gangnam District, Seoul, South Korea. 



The survey personnel came to the destination of the current survey, which is an office building at No.316 Tehran Road, Gangnam District, Seoul, South Korea, a very modern high-rise building. Outside the building, you can see the logo of Huobi, a cryptocurrency exchange, from a distance. 


When the investigators entered the building, they could clearly see the logo of the cryptocurrency exchange Huobi on the sign. Unfortunately, the security personnel did not allow the investigators to visit the building. 


The investigators went to Seoul, South Korea to visit the cryptocurrency exchange Huobi Korea, and the exchange’s logo can be found on the publicly displayed address of the exhibition, indicating that there is a real exhibition address in the Huobi Korea cryptocurrency exchange in Seoul, South Korea. Unluckily, the investigators were unable to enter the building for a visit. Investors are asked to make a choice after careful consideration. 


The above content and opinions are for reference only, not as the basis for the final selection. 

Broker Information




5-10 years | Digital Currency License | Digital Currency License | Digital Currency License
  • Company Name: Huobi 후오비
  • Country/ Region of Registry: South Korea
  • Company Abbreviation: Huobi
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