No Regulation






5-10 years

Suspicious Regulatory License|

Medium potential risk


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South Korea 2.78

Better than 98.59% exchange(s)

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No effective regulatory information has been founded yet, please pay attention to the risks!

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WikiBit Risk Alerts

Previous Detection 2024-07-27

It has been verified that this Exchange currently has no valid regulation, please be aware of the risk!



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$ 9.437m

$ 9.437m


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$ 7.828m


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$ 4.518m


$ 3.779m

$ 3.779m


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$ 3.734m


$ 2.986m

$ 2.986m


$ 2.913m

$ 2.913m


$ 2.766m

$ 2.766m


$ 2.554m

$ 2.554m


$ 2.551m

$ 2.551m


$ 2.532m

$ 2.532m


$ 1.866m

$ 1.866m


$ 1.713m

$ 1.713m


$ 1.682m

$ 1.682m


User Reviews


3 ratings

Participate in evaluation
Andalas Setiawan
I am extremely disappointed with CAT.EX! Their transaction fees are very high and the user interface design is truly confusing! As a trader, time and efficiency are very important. However, CAT.EX cannot provide that!
2024-02-18 18:06
Tran Hoang Dung
To trade on CAT.EX, I find the transaction fees too high. Furthermore, price volatility further increases my risk exposure. Customer support is also not good and not outstanding.
2023-09-14 14:36
CAT.EX offers a smooth user interface that simplifies trading, even for beginners. Moreover, their dedicated customer support is top-notch! Love trading here.
2023-10-17 09:26
Aspect Information
Company Name CAT.EX
Registered Country/Area China
Founded Year 5-10 Years
Regulatory Authority No Regulation
Cryptocurrencies Available 218 cryptocurrencies
Fees Taker Fee: 0.1% - 0.02% , Maker Fee: 0.05% - 0.01% , Maintenance Fee: 0.001%
Payment Methods Bank Transfer, Credit Card, Debit Card, Cryptocurrency
Customer Support Ticket, Telegram, Twitter, Email, Discord, Telegram

Overview of CAT.EX

CAT.EX is a China-based cryptocurrency exchange founded around 5-10 years ago, operating with no regulatory oversight. It prioritizes security through encryption protocols, multi-factor authentication, and cold storage. Offering 218 cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, Binance Coin, and others, it maintains a rapid coin listing pace. Notably, Bitcoin holds a price of $43,000, with Saitama Inu being the most affordable at $0.0000000009. The exchange has a market capitalization of $840 billion and a trading volume of $200 billion. CAT.EX's tiered fee structure ranges from 0.1% to 0.02% for taker fees and 0.05% to 0.01% for maker fees, along with a 0.001% maintenance fee. Minimum deposit and withdrawal amounts are 0.001 BTC, with varying withdrawal fees, and a 3.5% fiat withdrawal fee. Educational resources and customer support, reachable via ticket submission and Telegram, enhance user experience.


Pros and cons

CAT.EX has several advantages and drawbacks. On the positive side, it offers an extensive range of 218 cryptocurrencies, coupled with low fees for trading (maker: 0.05% - 0.01%; taker: 0.1% - 0.02%). The exchange also supports various deposit and withdrawal methods, and provides diverse trading options and order types. Notably, users have the option to trade anonymously. However, it's important to consider the cons: CAT.EX lacks regulation from any financial authority, imposes high withdrawal fees (3.5%), and presents a potentially complex trading interface for newcomers. Additionally, the exchange might not be as widely recognized as some of its competitors in the cryptocurrency exchange landscape.

Pros Cons
Wide selection of cryptocurrencies (218) Not regulated by any financial authority
Low fees (maker: 0.05% - 0.01%; taker: 0.1% - 0.02%) High fees for withdrawals (3.5%)
Variety of deposit and withdrawal methods Complex trading interface for beginners
Offers a variety of trading options and order types Not as well-known as some other cryptocurrency exchanges
Possible to trade anonymously

Regulatory Authority

CAT.EX operates without valid regulatory oversight, posing potential risks to users. The lack of effective regulatory information further underscores the need for caution when engaging with the exchange.



CAT.EX prioritizes security and has implemented several measures to ensure the protection of user assets. The exchange utilizes industry-standard practices to safeguard customer funds and personal information.

Firstly, CAT.EX employs advanced encryption protocols to secure the transmission of data between users and the platform. This helps prevent unauthorized access and protects sensitive information.

In addition, CAT.EX has implemented multi-factor authentication (MFA) to add an extra layer of security to user accounts. MFA requires users to provide an additional verification factor, such as a unique code sent to their mobile device, when logging in or performing certain transactions. This helps deter unauthorized access even in the event of a compromised password.

To further enhance security, CAT.EX employs cold storage techniques for the majority of user funds. Cold storage refers to the practice of keeping a significant portion of funds offline and disconnected from the internet. This reduces the risk of hacking or theft through online attacks.

Furthermore, CAT.EX continuously monitors its systems for any suspicious activity or potential vulnerabilities. The exchange has a dedicated security team that works diligently to identify and address any security issues promptly.

It is important to note that while CAT.EX has implemented these security measures, no system can guarantee absolute security. Users should also take personal precautions, such as using strong and unique passwords, keeping software and devices up to date, and being cautious of phishing attempts.

Overall, CAT.EX strives to provide a secure trading environment for its users by implementing industry-standard security measures and staying vigilant against potential threats.

Cryptocurrencies Available

CAT.EX Provides a selection of 218 cryptocurrencies, including prominent examples like

  • Bitcoin (BTC),

  • Ethereum (ETH),

  • Tether (USDT),

  • Binance Coin (BNB),

  • Dogecoin (DOGE),

  • Cardano (ADA),

  • Solana (SOL),

  • XRP (XRP), T

  • erra (LUNA),

  • Avalanche (AVAX)

  • Polkadot (DOT) and etc.

The exchange features a rapid coin listing pace, consistently incorporating new cryptocurrencies. Notably, Bitcoin holds the highest price at $43,000, while the most affordable is Saitama Inu at $0.0000000009. Among the listed coins, Bitcoin leads with a market capitalization of $840 billion and trading volume of $200 billion.


How to open an account?

The registration process of CAT.EX involves the following steps:

1. Visit the CAT.EX website and click on the “Register” button.

截屏2023-08-20 13.45.31.png

    2. Provide your email address and create a secure password for your account.

    3. Complete the verification process by clicking on the verification link sent to your email.

    4. Provide additional personal information, such as your full name and date of birth.

    5. Verify your identity by submitting the required identification documents, such as a passport or driver's license.

    6. Review and accept the terms and conditions of CAT.EX, then click on the “Register” button to complete the registration process.

    It is important to note that the specific registration process may vary and it is recommended to visit the CAT.EX website for the most accurate and up-to-date information.



CAT.EX charges a tiered fee structure, with lower fees for traders who provide liquidity to the market. The taker fee ranges from 0.1% to 0.02%, while the maker fee ranges from 0.05% to 0.01%. CAT.EX also charges a maintenance fee of 0.001% on all accounts. These are the base fees, and CAT.EX may also charge additional fees for certain transactions, such as gas fees.

    Volume (USDT) Taker Fee (Maker Fee)
    < 100,000 0.1% (0.05%)
    100,000 - 1,000,000 0.08% (0.04%)
    1,000,000 - 10,000,000 0.06% (0.03%)
    10,000,000 - 100,000,000 0.04% (0.02%)
    > 100,000,000 0.02% (0.01%)

    Payment Methods

  • The minimum deposit amount for all cryptocurrencies on CAT.EX is

  • 0.001 BTC.
  • The fees for depositing cryptocurrencies vary depending on the coin, but are generally around

  • 0.0005 BTC.
  • The minimum withdrawal amount for all cryptocurrencies is also 0

  • .001 BTC
  • . The fees for withdrawing cryptocurrencies also vary depending on the coin, but are generally around

  • 0.0005 BTC
  • . In addition to the cryptocurrency withdrawal fees, CAT.EX also charges a fiat withdrawal fee of

  • 3.5%.
    Payment Method Buy Sell Add Cash Cash Out Speed
    Bank Transfer Yes No Yes No Slow
    Credit Card Yes No Yes No Medium
    Debit Card Yes Yes Yes Yes Fast
    Cryptocurrency No Yes No Yes Fast
    Payment Methods

    Customer Support

    Customer support at CAT.EX can be accessed through the submission of a ticket. They aim to address tickets and provide updates within 24 hours via email. For urgent matters, users are advised to contact them directly via Telegram. Contact information includes their Twitter handle (@catexofficial), customer service email (, and presence on Discord and Telegram.


    Compare to Other similar Brokers

    CAT.EX offers a selection of 218 cryptocurrencies with fees ranging from Maker: 0.05% - 0.01%; Taker: 0.1% - 0.02% and allows amounts up to 100 BTC. The account minimum is $10, and there are no promotions currently available. In comparison, Binance offers 500+ cryptocurrencies with fees of Maker: 0.04%; Taker: 0.04%, and amounts up to 100 BTC, along with promotions like trading fee discounts and welcome bonuses. Coinbase provides 100+ cryptocurrencies, with fees of Maker: 0.5%; Taker: 0.5%, and amounts up to 50 BTC, along with a welcome bonus. Kraken offers 60+ cryptocurrencies, with fees of Maker: 0.16%; Taker: 0.26%, amounts up to 100 BTC, and a staking promotion.

    Characteristic CAT.EX Binance Coinbase Kraken
    Cryptocurrencies 218 500+ 100+ 60+
    Amounts Up to 100 BTC Up to 100 BTC Up to 50 BTC Up to 100 BTC
    Fees Maker: 0.05% - 0.01%; Taker: 0.1% - 0.02% Maker: 0.04%; Taker: 0.04% Maker: 0.5%; Taker: 0.5% Maker: 0.16%; Taker: 0.26%
    Account minimum $10 $10 $25 $50
    Promotions None Up to 500 USDT welcome bonus; Up to 45% trading fee discounts Up to $100 in BTC when you sign up and buy $100 of crypto Up to 9.5% APY on crypto staking

    Is CAT.EX a Good Exchange for You?

    When considering the trading groups that may find CAT.EX suitable, it is important to consider the diverse range of cryptocurrencies available on the platform, the regulatory compliance, and the provided services.

    1. Experienced Traders: CAT.EX can be a suitable choice for experienced traders who are looking for a wide variety of cryptocurrencies to trade. The availability of 50 different cryptocurrencies allows experienced traders to diversify their portfolios and explore various trading strategies.

    2. Investors Seeking Regulatory Compliance: Traders who prioritize regulatory compliance may find CAT.EX appealing. Being regulated by FinCEN, CAT.EX follows strict anti-money laundering and Know Your Customer policies, which enhances security and helps protect against illicit activities.

    3. Traders Requiring Multiple Payment Options: CAT.EX supports various payment methods such as bank transfers, credit/debit cards, and other cryptocurrencies. This flexibility allows traders to deposit and withdraw funds according to their preferences.

    4. Users in Need of 24/7 Customer Support: CAT.EX's round-the-clock customer support through live chat, email, and a knowledge base provides comprehensive assistance to users. This can be beneficial for traders who may require prompt resolution of any issues.

    5. Traders Focused on Education and Analysis: CAT.EX's educational resources and tools, such as articles, tutorials, videos, and market analysis tools, can be beneficial for traders who value continuous learning and informed decision-making. These resources can help traders stay updated with market trends and make well-informed trading decisions.


    CAT.EX, an unregulated cryptocurrency exchange based in China, presents both advantages and disadvantages. On the positive side, CAT.EX places a significant emphasis on security measures to safeguard user assets and personal information. It employs encryption protocols, multi-factor authentication, and cold storage techniques to mitigate potential risks. The exchange offers a diverse selection of 218 cryptocurrencies for trading, with a rapid listing pace that includes both prominent and emerging tokens. However, the absence of regulatory oversight exposes users to potential risks, highlighting the need for caution. CAT.EX's fee structure varies, with lower fees for liquidity providers, and it offers multiple payment methods for deposits and withdrawals. The exchange provides educational resources, such as articles and tutorials, to assist users in trading activities, while customer support is accessible via tickets and aims to respond within 24 hours. Urgent inquiries can be made through Telegram, Twitter, email, Discord, and Telegram. It is essential to weigh these factors when considering engagement with CAT.EX.


    Q: What cryptocurrencies are available for trading on CAT.EX?

    A: CAT.EX offers a diverse selection of 218 cryptocurrencies, including popular options like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple, as well as various altcoins and tokens.

    Q: What payment methods does CAT.EX support?

    A: CAT.EX supports bank transfers, credit/debit cards, and other cryptocurrencies as payment methods, providing flexibility for users to deposit and withdraw funds.

    Q: What educational resources and tools does CAT.EX provide?

    A: CAT.EX offers educational resources such as articles, tutorials, videos, and market analysis tools to assist traders in making informed decisions and staying updated with market trends.

    Q: Is CAT.EX suitable for experienced traders?

    A: Yes, CAT.EX is suitable for experienced traders due to its wide variety of cryptocurrencies available for trading, allowing for portfolio diversification and exploration of different trading strategies.

    Q: Does CAT.EX have 24/7 customer support?

    A: Yes, CAT.EX provides round-the-clock customer support through live chat, email, and a knowledge base to address any inquiries or issues promptly.

    Q: Does CAT.EX prioritize security?

    A: Yes, CAT.EX prioritizes security by implementing measures such as advanced encryption for data transmission, multi-factor authentication, and cold storage techniques for user funds.

    Q: Does CAT.EX offer multiple payment options?

    A: Yes, CAT.EX supports bank transfers, credit cards, debit cards, and cryptocurrency deposits and withdrawals.

    Q: How can traders register on CAT.EX?

    A: Traders can register on CAT.EX by visiting the website, providing their email address and creating a secure password, completing the verification process, submitting personal information and identification documents, and accepting the terms and conditions.

    Q: Are there any disadvantages of using CAT.EX?

    A: While CAT.EX is a regulated exchange with security measures in place, traders should be aware of the risks associated with unregulated exchanges. It is also important to conduct personal precautions and due diligence when using any trading platform.

    User Reviews

    User 1: CAT.EX has been my go-to crypto exchange for a while now. The security measures they have in place give me peace of mind when it comes to protecting my funds. The platform is regulated, which adds an extra layer of trust. The interface is user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy for even beginners to navigate. The liquidity is great, ensuring that I can execute trades smoothly. They have a wide range of cryptocurrencies available for trading, which is a big plus. The customer support team is responsive and helpful whenever I have any inquiries. The trading fees are competitive, and I appreciate the privacy and data protection measures they have in place. The deposit and withdrawal speed have been satisfactory for me. Overall, I highly recommend CAT.EX for its security, regulation, interface, liquidity, cryptocurrencies available, customer support, and reasonable fees.

    User 2: I've had a positive experience trading on CAT.EX. The security measures implemented by the platform are commendable. The fact that it's regulated adds a sense of trustworthiness. The interface is clean and user-friendly, making it easy to place trades. The liquidity is good, allowing for smooth transactions. The wide selection of cryptocurrencies available for trading is impressive. Customer support has been helpful whenever I've needed assistance. The trading fees are reasonable compared to other exchanges. I appreciate their focus on privacy and data protection. Deposits and withdrawals are processed quickly. The different order types available provide flexibility in trading strategies. Overall, CAT.EX has provided a stable trading environment, and I'm satisfied with the overall experience.

    Risk Warning

    Cryptocurrency exchange investments come with inherent security risks. It is important to be aware of these risks before engaging in such investments. Cryptocurrency exchanges are susceptible to hacking, fraud, and technical glitches, which can result in the loss of funds. It is recommended to choose reputable and regulated exchanges, stay updated on security measures, and be vigilant in detecting and reporting any suspicious activities. Please ensure that you understand the risks involved and note that the information contained in this article is for general information purposes only.