A Visit to THEBITCOINMACHINE in Canada - No Office Found

Canada Canada
Field Survey Time:2024-05-11
A Visit to THEBITCOINMACHINE in Canada - No Office Found
A Visit to THEBITCOINMACHINE in Canada - No Office FoundA Visit to THEBITCOINMACHINE in Canada - No Office FoundA Visit to THEBITCOINMACHINE in Canada - No Office FoundA Visit to THEBITCOINMACHINE in Canada - No Office Found

Dundas Street West, Peel, Ontario, Canada

Reason for this visit

Canada is one of the most “crypto-friendly” countries in the world, with the government actively promoting the development of the digital economy, during which cryptocurrencies, as digital assets, play a significant role. Furthermore, Canada is home to multiple well-known cryptocurrency companies. In recent years, the Canadian government has invested substantial resources and money into research and applications of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, including decentralized identity authentication, smart contracts, and other areas, indicating that it will continue to play a crucial role in the era of digital economy in the future. As a result, Canada becomes one of the competitive markets for global crypto exchanges. In an attempt to help investors gain a more comprehensive understanding of current exchanges in Canada, WikiBit survey team decides to go to the country for on-site visits to local companies.

On-site visit

In this issue, the survey team went to Canada to visit cryptocurrency exchange THEBITCOINMACHINE as planned according to its regulatory address that 6-2400 Dundas St. W., Suite 256 Mississauga, ON, Canada L5K2R8.

The investigators came to 6-2400 Dundas Street West in Mississauga of Ontario, Canada for a visit to the exchange‘s office on February 22, 2024, and located a low-rise shopping/office center, at the relatively quiet street. Additionally, there was an outdoor directory, which didn’t display any information pertinent to THEBITCOINMACHINE. Upon searching all the stores one by one, the survey personnel failed to discover the company.

Through the on-site investigation, it is confirmed that the company doesnt have a presence at the location.



The survey team went to Canada to visit cryptocurrency exchange THEBITCOINMACHINE, but didnt find the company at its regulatory address. This signifies that the company might just register with the address without a physical business office. Accordingly, investors should be meticulous in choosing the exchange.


The content is for informational purpose only, and shall not be taken as a final order for making a choice.

Broker Information




5-10 years | Common Financial Service License | Suspicious Overrun | High potential risk
  • Country/ Region of Registry: Canada
  • Company Abbreviation: THEBITCOINMACHINE
  • Official Email: Info@TheBitcoinMachine.com
  • Twitter : https://twitter.com/TheBTCMachine
  • Facebook : --
  • Customer Service Number: --