A Visit to the Cryptocurrency Exchange HBUS in San Francisco US -- Finding No Office

United States United States
Field Survey Time:2021-02-01
A Visit to the Cryptocurrency Exchange HBUS in San Francisco US -- Finding No Office
A Visit to the Cryptocurrency Exchange HBUS in San Francisco US -- Finding No OfficeA Visit to the Cryptocurrency Exchange HBUS in San Francisco US -- Finding No OfficeA Visit to the Cryptocurrency Exchange HBUS in San Francisco US -- Finding No OfficeA Visit to the Cryptocurrency Exchange HBUS in San Francisco US -- Finding No Office

Mission Street, San Francisco, California, United States

Reason for this visit

East Asia and North America (mainly the US) are the world’s two largest cryptocurrency trading markets, with trading volume accounting for about half of the global crypto market. Compared with many exchanges in East Asia, US exchanges are subject to stricter supervision and the US has the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase. In order to help investors understand the U.S. cryptocurrency exchanges more comprehensively, the field survey team will visit the US. 

On-site visit

This time the survey personnel went to San Francisco, USA to visit the cryptocurrency exchange HBUS. The survey address is 550 Montgomery Street, Second Floor, San Francisco, CALIFORNIA.



Based on the address mentioned above, the investigators arrived at the destination, which is an office building at 550 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, USA. The building is located in the commercial center of San Francisco, which is very prosperous.


The survey personnel entered the building and found no logo or name of the cryptocurrency exchange HBUS on the signboard in the lobby. Afterwards, the survey personnel asked the reception staff of the building whether there is such a company in the building, and the answer was no.


The investigators went to San Francisco to visit the cryptocurrency exchange HBUS on the spot. They did not find the exchange's office space on its publicly displayed business address, which means that the cryptocurrency exchange HBUS may not have a real business venue in San Francisco US. Investors are advised to choose this exchange carefully. 


The content is for informational purpose only, and shall not be taken as final order for making choice.

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