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I Spent the Weekend With the Apple Vision Pro—My Face May Never Be the Same

I Spent the Weekend With the Apple Vision Pro—My Face May Never Be the Same WikiBit 2024-02-06 07:04

For an overpriced, niche device, the amount of attention the Apple Vision Pro is getting is objectiv

For an overpriced, niche device, the amount of attention the Apple Vision Pro is getting is objectively remarkable. As loudly as critics claim there are no real-world use cases for the VR headset that's not a VR headset, announced last June and delivered to customers beginning Friday, dozens of committed early adopters are coming up with new use cases every day.

对于一款价格过高的小众设备来说,apple vision pro 所获得的关注度客观上是惊人的。尽管批评者声称去年 6 月宣布并从周五开始交付给客户的 vr 头显没有实际用例,但每天都有数十名坚定的早期采用者提出新的用例。

Himels Tech gave one of the first overviews of what it's like trying to do computing work in an Apple Vision Pro, impressively leaving screens and apps floating around his house. (This guy worked in Apple Vision Pro for a full day.) Tech bro Brian Tong showed off the NBA app, a sports lover's dream.

himels tech 首次概述了尝试在 apple vision pro 中进行计算工作的感觉,令人印象深刻的是,屏幕和应用程序漂浮在他的房子周围。 (这家伙在 apple vision pro 上工作了一整天。)技术兄弟 brian tong 展示了 nba 应用程序,这是体育爱好者的梦想。

Joanna Stern gave a killer cooking demonstration (then sat in on a CNBC interview with the device on her head). Veteran tech vlogger Justine “iJustine” Ezarik tried wearing hers in the pool. And super YouTuber Casey Neistat strapped one on and took off to roam the wild streets of New York City.

乔安娜·斯特恩 (joanna stern) 进行了精彩的烹饪演示(然后头上戴着这个设备接受了 cnbc 的采访)。资深科技视频博主 justine“ijustine”ezarik 尝试在泳池中穿着她的衣服。 youtube 超级博主凯西·尼斯塔 (casey neistat) 系上一件,开始在纽约市狂野的街道上漫步。

“It's the single greatest piece of tech I've ever used,” he tweeted, adding that he also edited the video within the device.


true story; i edited this video on my Vision Pro on a 4k screen that was 11 feet tall and 20 feet wide floating in my living room. i could stand up and walk over to it. looking closely at the cuts and inspecting it like one of those huge wall maps from ww2 movies.

真实的故事;我在 vision pro 的 4k 屏幕上编辑了这段视频,该屏幕漂浮在我的客厅中,高 11 英尺,宽 20 英尺。我可以站起来走向它。仔细观察剪辑并检查它,就像二战电影中那些巨大的挂图一样。

— Casey Neistat (@Casey) February 4, 2024

— 凯西·内斯塔 (@casey) 2024 年 2 月 4 日

Meanwhile, one Tesla Cybertruck owner did the inevitable, computing spatially while driving down the road. I'm not sure whether using the Apple Vision Pro in public will become as socially unacceptable as doing so with Google Glass—see also “glassholes” and even “Meta glassholes”—but stunts like this don't help.

与此同时,一位特斯拉 cybertruck 车主在路上行驶时进行了不可避免的空间计算。我不确定在公共场合使用 apple vision pro 是否会像使用 google glass 一样在社会上不被接受(另请参阅“玻璃孔”甚至“元玻璃孔”),但这样的特技并没有帮助。

All of my friends told me I would get one, and I tried to demur. To a muggle, it's ridiculous, almost ludicrous, given the price tag. But I can't pretend I'm not an obsessive early adopter who has picked up lots of new tech that didn't get the kind of attention the Apple Vision Pro is now getting: the first “tablet computers” (including the GridPad), the first PalmPilot (from the GridPad guys), the first Apple PowerBook and the Apple Newton (which I loved), and the first DJI drone.

我所有的朋友都告诉我我会买一个,但我试图表示异议。对于一个麻瓜来说,考虑到价格标签,这是荒谬的,几乎是可笑的。但我不能假装我不是一个痴迷的早期采用者,我已经掌握了许多新技术,但这些新技术并没有像 apple vision pro 现在那样受到关注:第一台“平板电脑”(包括 gridpad) 、第一台 palmpilot(来自 gridpad 人员)、第一台 apple powerbook 和 apple newton(我很喜欢),以及第一台 dji 无人机。

Yet some first-generation devices do change the world.


So, despite the likely ribbing and head-shaking headed my way, this article is my coming out as another owner of Apple's first-generation “spatial computer.”


Ultimately, I'm excited to see what truly useful or simply weird things people create in the weeks and months ahead. I may even get up the nerve to use it in public myself. For now, here are my takeaways from my first weekend with the Apple Vision Pro.

最终,我很高兴看到人们在未来几周和几个月内创造出真正有用或只是奇怪的东西。我什至可能鼓起勇气在公共场合使用它。现在,以下是我使用 apple vision pro 的第一个周末的收获。

Getting onboard


The Apple Vision Pro demo area in the Apple Store at Ala Moana Center in Honolulu.

檀香山阿拉莫阿纳中心 apple store 零售店内的 apple vision pro 演示区。

Apple reconfigured its retail stores to set up demo areas for the Apple Vision Pro. While you could walk in, buy one, and walk out, they strongly recommend you take the guided tour with them first. I did, and it was helpful. It was also genuinely fun to be around other people having their first magical experience, oohing and gasping and laughing.

苹果重新配置了零售店,为 apple vision pro 设立了演示区。虽然您可以走进去,买一个,然后走出去,但他们强烈建议您先跟他们一起参观。我做到了,而且很有帮助。和其他人一起经历他们的第一次神奇体验,一起惊叹、喘息和大笑,这也真的很有趣。

The retail setup even includes a brand new piece of hardware that allows Apple employees to take measurements of customers' eyeglasses and get an approximate prescription, allowing them to pop in corrective lenses that get prospective buyers closer to the visual acuity needed to use it.


Bella, my Apple guide, told me lots of customers were trying to record the guided tour, requiring some agility to stay out of frame per Apple's guidelines. And when I used Guest Mode for the first time to let my friend have his first Apple Vision Pro experience with my headset, I realized I wished I'd recorded the store demo, too. Sure, he was impressed, but only after a lot of fits and starts as I tried to explain the UI.

我的苹果导游贝拉(bella)告诉我,很多顾客都在尝试记录导游,需要一定的敏捷性才能按照苹果的指导方针保持在画面之外。当我第一次使用访客模式让我的朋友用我的耳机第一次体验 apple vision pro 时,我意识到我希望我也录制了商店演示。当然,他印象深刻,但只是在我试图解释用户界面时断断续续之后。

The at-home, out-of-the-box Apple Vision Pro experience pretty much drops you in cold. The “look at the dots and tap” setup calibration is the only introduction newbies have to getting around, and there's a lot more to it. Yes, Apple published a video playlist and documentation, and the 4,204 YouTube reviews and how-to videos cover most of it, Still, I'm surprised Apple doesn't use that critical opportunity to blow someone's mind out of the gate with even a playthrough (spatial) video.

在家中开箱即用的 apple vision pro 体验几乎会让您感到寒冷。 “查看点并点击”设置校准是新手必须了解的唯一介绍,而且还有更多内容。是的,apple 发布了视频播放列表和文档,4,204 条 youtube 评论和操作视频涵盖了其中的大部分内容。不过,我很惊讶 apple 没有利用这个关键机会来让某人大吃一惊,哪怕是一个播放(空间)视频。

I can still feel my face—and it feels tired


The Oculus Rift in 2015. Image: Shutterstock

2015 年的 oculus rift。图片:shutterstock

If you've never used a VR headset before, and an Apple Vision Pro is your first experience with a head-mounted display, then it probably does feel heavy. And since the battery pack is offloaded to a corded pack you keep in your pocket or clip to your clothes, the weight is front-loaded: you're holding this thing up with your cheekbones, and you can only offset that so much by tightening how hard it is pulled back against your head.

如果您以前从未使用过 vr 耳机,并且 apple vision pro 是您第一次体验头戴式显示器,那么它可能确实会感觉很重。由于电池组被卸载到你放在口袋里或夹在衣服上的有线包上,所以重量是前置的:你用颧骨举起这个东西,你只能通过收紧来抵消它它被拉回到你的头上的力度有多大。

But its weight is comparable to the Meta Quest 3, it's lighter than the Meta Quest Pro—and compared to the monstrous first Oculus Rift, it's practically buoyant.

但它的重量与 meta quest 3 相当,比 meta quest pro 更轻,而且与巨大的第一代 oculus rift 相比,它几乎具有浮力。

Two and a half hours of use, which the battery supports, passes pretty quickly. Go any longer (sustained by plugging in to power), and you might start to get neck fatigue, along with achy or dry eyes. But using the Dual-Loop Band—the simpler included alternative to the more photogenic Solo Knit Band—makes a big difference. The strap that goes over your head might muss your hair, but it capably helps support the weight of the Apple Vision Pro. With eye health breaks, you can easily go a whole workday.

电池支持的两个半小时的使用时间很快就过去了。如果时间再长(通过接通电源来维持),您可能会开始感到颈部疲劳,并伴有眼睛疼痛或干涩。但使用双环表带(比更上镜的单圈针织表带更简单的替代品)会带来很大的不同。套在头上的带子可能会弄乱你的头发,但它可以有效支撑 apple vision pro 的重量。通过眼睛健康休息,您可以轻松度过一整天的工作日。

A whole weekend is probably overstating my marathon experience—it looks like “who can go the longest without taking it off” is going to be the new endurance competition among geeks—but I did feel affects after returning to the real world Sunday night.


I was slightly dizzy to be seeing only reality, but compared to the full-on motion sickness I'd get from other VR headsets, it was mild. Physically, though, my giant head felt a little compressed, and my neck and cheekbones were a little tender. I've never gotten a face massage at a spa, but I suddenly felt like I was in the market for one. Perhaps someone will make an Apple Vision Pro app that just fires up the haptic engine to make it a “facial computer.”

由于只看到现实,我有点头晕,但与其他 vr 耳机带来的全面晕动症相比,这是轻微的。但从身体上来说,我巨大的头感觉有点受压,脖子和颧骨也有点软。我从来没有在水疗中心接受过面部按摩,但我突然觉得我需要做一次。也许有人会制作一款 apple vision pro 应用程序,只需启动触觉引擎即可使其成为“面部计算机”。

I'll still take a wearable over an implantable any day.


What really struck me about the form factor is that the Apple Vision Pro is actually just the glass and metal bulbous lens and the recycled aluminum case that holds its guts. The rest is the light seal, cushion, and strap. It is very easy to see future generations of the Apple Vision Pro—perhaps the lower-priced Apple Vision of 2026—being thinner and lighter and held closer to the face. You know, like Doc Brown in Back to the Future. Or (of course) “The Simpsons.”

外形上真正让我印象深刻的是,apple vision pro 实际上只是由玻璃和金属球状镜头以及支撑其内部的回收铝制外壳组成。剩下的就是轻质密封件、缓冲垫和带子。很容易看到未来几代 apple vision pro(可能是 2026 年价格较低的 apple vision)变得更薄、更轻,并且更靠近脸部。你知道,就像《回到未来》中的布朗博士一样。或者(当然)“辛普森一家”。

OMG The Simpsons predict the future again


— Nate Chan (@nathanwchan) February 4, 2024

— 内特·陈 (@nathanwchan) 2024 年 2 月 4 日

It's augmented reality, mostly


Without a doubt the Apple Vision Pro is the closest thing to an augmented reality headset we've seen. It's miles past the Quest 3 model, and its 180-degree field of view makes the once promising Magic Leap and its “expanded” 70-degree viewport look like an ancient artifact. Even so, the gap between its presentation of the world around you and the real world is pretty wide.

毫无疑问,apple vision pro 是我们见过的最接近增强现实耳机的产品。它比 quest 3 型号要好得多,其 180 度视野使曾经前途光明的 magic leap 及其“扩展”的 70 度视口看起来就像一件古老的文物。即便如此,它对你周围世界的呈现与现实世界之间的差距还是相当大的。

I was expecting the 180-degree screens to fill my human viewport, but there is still a hazy black border around everything. It's not as bad as looking through a pair binoculars, but it's not like looking through glasses or a window, either. And since the “real world” you see is being re-broadcast from cameras, the usual problems are still in play: motion blur, hard-to-read text, and low-light struggles. The Apple Vision Pro can get pretty bright, but the real world still makes you squint and blink when you take it off.

我原以为 180 度的屏幕会填满我的人类视口,但所有东西周围仍然有一个模糊的黑色边框。它不像通过双筒望远镜看那么糟糕,但也不像通过眼镜或窗户看。由于您看到的“现实世界”是通过摄像机重新播放的,因此常见的问题仍然存在:运动模糊、难以阅读的文本和低光困难。 apple vision pro 可以变得相当明亮,但当你摘下它时,现实世界仍然会让你眯起眼睛、眨眼睛。

Image: Decrypt


It's good enough that people are walking around with them, for better or worse, and I don't think you could do that with any predecessor. But I like to think it's this “pass through” that will see the biggest improvements in version two.


Apart from that, though, the experience is indeed magical. Grabbing app, browser, and Mac windows and moving them around became second nature very quickly. I was immediately struck by how firmly elements sit floating in space—it's eerie the first time you experience it. I frequently found myself walking 'through my windows, then turning around and returning to them, just like in a sci-fi movie.

但除此之外,这种体验确实很神奇。抓取应用程序、浏览器和 mac 窗口并移动它们很快就成为第二天性。我立刻就被元素在太空中漂浮的牢固程度所震惊——第一次体验它时会感到很奇怪。我经常发现自己“穿过窗户,然后转身回到窗户前”,就像科幻电影中一样。

Spatial audio is amazing, moving around with the elements that are making noise, actually making me turn my head when a sound is made anywhere around me. (I'm not sure how audible it is to people around me, though, nor am I sure I could hear sound on a noisy airplane.) And the ability to dial-in and dial-out of reality—and especially the way it shows you people approaching you in real life with a ghostly face peeking into your space—is wild.

空间音频令人惊叹,它与发出噪音的元素一起移动,当我周围任何地方发出声音时,实际上会让我转过头。 (不过,我不确定周围的人能听到多少声音,也不确定我能在吵闹的飞机上听到声音。)以及拨入和拨出现实的能力,尤其是它的方式向你展示现实生活中人们接近你时用一张幽灵般的脸窥视你的空间——这很疯狂。

A lot of people are pointing out that the Apple Vision Pro is very personal, very private, and thus, very isolating. Apart from taking FaceTime or Zoom calls inside the device, it's not like you can be in a virtual space with friends. It's the best big-screen home theater screen you'll have, but you have to watch it alone.

很多人指出 apple vision pro 非常个性化、非常私密,因此非常孤立。除了在设备内进行 facetime 或 zoom 通话之外,您无法与朋友一起在虚拟空间中。这是您拥有的最好的大屏幕家庭影院屏幕,但您必须独自观看。

I suspect I'm more of a loner than people think, and thus, I'm completely fine with this. In fact, the privacy aspects are attractive. With my Mac screen inside the Apple Vision Pro, nobody is going to be watching or reading what I'm working on.

我怀疑我比人们想象的更孤独,因此,我完全同意这一点。事实上,隐私方面很有吸引力。当我的 mac 屏幕位于 apple vision pro 中时,没有人会观看或阅读我正在做的事情。

By the way, as a glasses wearer with a strong, wonky prescription, I was impressed that the custom Zeiss lenses could accommodate my eyesight. (Even some online glasses shops say my prescription is too extreme.) The eye tracking is so precise, I can't use the Apple Vision Pro without the corrective lenses—even if I squint. It can seemingly tell that I can't really see where I'm looking, and doesn't cooperate as a result.

顺便说一句,作为一名近视度数严重、不稳定的眼镜佩戴者,定制的蔡司镜片能够适应我的视力,这给我留下了深刻的印象。 (甚至一些网上眼镜店都说我的处方太过极端。)眼球追踪非常精确,如果没有矫正镜片,我就无法使用 apple vision pro——即使我眯着眼睛。它似乎可以告诉我,我无法真正看到我在看哪里,因此不合作。

Mixed modes are confusing


If you're in the Apple ecosystem and own both an iPad and a MacBook, then you understand how your brain easily forgets whether you're using a touch-based interface or a mouse or trackpad. I use my iPad as a second screen, and I'm always touching my MacBook screen to close or move a window, to sad effect.

如果您处于 apple 生态系统中并且同时拥有 ipad 和 macbook,那么您就会明白您的大脑如何很容易忘记您使用的是触摸界面还是鼠标或触控板。我使用 ipad 作为第二个屏幕,并且总是触摸 macbook 屏幕来关闭或移动窗口,结果令人悲伤。

Using the Apple Vision Pro is even more confusing when using what is, for me, the most important feature of the headset: Mac Virtual Display. The headset can become a “private, portable 4K display for your Mac,” and I've found it's every bit as impressive as reviews have said.

当使用对我来说耳机最重要的功能:mac 虚拟显示时,使用 apple vision pro 会更加令人困惑。这款耳机可以成为“mac 上的私人便携式 4k 显示器”,我发现它和评论中所说的一样令人印象深刻。

Except now I need to switch between the virtual keyboard and my real keyboard, and between the trackpad and my naked fingers. All weekend I've tried to look at a MacOS button trying to highlight and click it, or typing on either keyboard and not knowing where the text was coming out. I was glad to be computing alone, so I could be futilely pinching and dragging my fingers in the air without witnesses.

但现在我需要在虚拟键盘和真实键盘之间、触控板和裸手指之间切换。整个周末我都试图查看 macos 按钮,试图突出显示并单击它,或者在任一键盘上打字但不知道文本在哪里出现。我很高兴独自计算,这样我就可以在没有目击者的情况下徒劳地在空中捏捏和拖动手指。

These are all floating screens in front of me, and they're great. But they don't work the same way.


I'm not a UI designer, but I don't understand why the standard location of the “close window” button and “drag to move” bar in VisionOS is underneath each window, when such things are almost universally on top of windows elsewhere.

我不是 ui 设计师,但我不明白为什么 visionos 中“关闭窗口”按钮和“拖动移动”栏的标准位置位于每个窗口下方,而这些东西几乎普遍位于其他地方的窗口顶部。

The potential is exciting


As frustrating as it is to read, it's impossible to use the Apple Vision Pro and not get excited about what the next version will bring. As top tech vlogger Marques Brownlee opined, the Apple Vision Pro is imperfect and flawed, and that's what makes it interesting. It's so very much a first-generation device, and like the iPad and Apple Watch, I don't think even Apple knows where users will take things.

尽管读起来令人沮丧,但使用 apple vision pro 时不可能不对下一版本将带来的内容感到兴奋。正如顶级科技视频博主 marques brownlee 所言,apple vision pro 并不完美且存在缺陷,但这正是它的有趣之处。它在很大程度上是第一代设备,就像 ipad 和 apple watch 一样,我认为即使是苹果公司也不知道用户会把东西带到哪里。

On one hand, it's so well made, it's obvious Apple was working on this for years. It's like they were training us for this day. The hardware and software is very Apple—for better or worse—and that the Apple Vision Pro feels like a combination of an iPad and an Apple Watch strapped to your face is no accident.

一方面,它制作精良,显然苹果公司多年来一直致力于此。就好像他们正在为这一天训练我们一样。硬件和软件都非常苹果——无论好坏——而且 apple vision pro 给人的感觉就像是 ipad 和 apple watch 绑在脸上的组合,这绝非偶然。

On the other hand, so many trade-offs were made to get this thing out today, rather than three years from now. My editor at Decrypt rightfully mused, “What would Steve Jobs think?”

另一方面,为了今天而不是三年后把这个东西推出来,我们做了很多权衡。我的 decrypt 编辑正确地沉思道:“史蒂夫·乔布斯会怎么想?”

The corded battery and two-hour battery life seems like a throwback to a decade ago. The fact that the pass-through is often muddy is disappointing, and the utility of the outward-facing “eyeballs or moiré patterns” screen is unclear. (I'm certainly all for wearables telling others when you're watching or recording them, though.)

有线电池和两小时的电池续航时间似乎回到了十年前。事实上,通道经常是浑浊的,这一事实令人失望,而且朝外的“眼球或莫尔图案”屏幕的实用性尚不清楚。 (不过,我当然支持可穿戴设备在您观看或录制时告诉其他人。)

But two things are true: the Apple Vision Pro is without a doubt the most advanced and promising new paradigm in personal computing we've seen in years. And it is also its early, awkward, imperfect days.

但有两件事是真实的:apple vision pro 毫无疑问是我们多年来见过的个人计算领域最先进、最有前途的新范例。这也是它早期、尴尬、不完美的日子。

If it were just replacing a giant projection screen that would never fit in my 400-square-foot Waikīkī apartment, it would almost be worth it. It's everything else—and everything that's coming—that has me feeling good about taking the leap.

如果它只是替换一个永远无法放入我 400 平方英尺威基基公寓的巨大投影屏幕,那几乎是值得的。正是其他一切——以及即将到来的一切——让我对迈出这一步感觉良好。

Edited by Andrew Hayward



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