A Site Visit to OKCoin Fake Office Address

United States United States
Field Survey Time:2021-02-03
A Site Visit to OKCoin Fake Office Address
A Site Visit to OKCoin Fake Office AddressA Site Visit to OKCoin Fake Office AddressA Site Visit to OKCoin Fake Office Address

Market Street, San Francisco, California, United States


East Asia and North America (mainly the United States) are the world’s two largest cryptocurrency trading markets, with trading volume accounting for about half of the market. Compared with many exchanges in East Asia, US exchanges are regulated more tightly and there is the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange, Coinbase. In order to help investors learn about the cryptocurrency exchange in America comprehensively, the inspection team decided to visit OKCoin.

On-the-spot investigation

According to the regulatory information, the cryptocurrency exchange OKCoin is located at 388 Market Street, Suite 1300, San Francisco, CA. 



The inspection team arrived at a red office building located at  388 Market Street, Suite 1300, San Francisco, among the office block, which seems very prosperous.


The inspection team entered the building but did not find the logo or other information of OKCoin. After inquiring the receptionist, the team learned that OKCoin doesn’t have an office here. The team can’t go upstairs because of the epidemic.


The survey team confirmed after the on-the-spot visit that there is no office of OKCoin at the address mentioned in the regulatory information. Please choose carefully.


The content is for informational purpose only, and shall not be taken as final order for making choice.

Broker Information




10-15 years | Digital Currency License | MTL License | Common Financial Service License
  • Company Name: OKCOIN
  • Country/ Region of Registry: China
  • Abbreviation: OKCOIN
  • Official Email: support@okcoin.com
  • Twitter : https://twitter.com/OKcoin
  • Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/OKCoinOfficial
  • Customer Service Number: --