Binance exchange can arbitrarily manipulate the contract data of customers



2022-01-26 19:08国旗Hong Kong China
I opened a fil coin standard contract on Binance, and the liquidation price was 16.020. Yesterday at noon, I found that the liquidation price had become 18.010, 18.009 without any operation. When I went to bed at 8 o'clock in the evening, I deliberately looked at the position, and I saw it in the middle of the night that the position is gone, and it shows that I close the position at the limit price at 16:19. I didn't do this one at all.
在币安开了fil币本位合约,强平价格是16.020, 昨天中午发现在没有任何操作的情况下强平价格变成了18.010,18.009,晚上八点睡觉时特意看了仓位,结果在半夜看盘是发现仓位没了,显示我在16点19分限价平仓。 这个单根本就不是我操作的。