OFEX is a romance scam. Do not trust it



2022-07-16 11:18国旗 Taiwan
Being suspended by this kind of business, I can only take the suffer. I didn't do my work carefully before listening to others, and I was deceived by this romance scam. Don’t foolishly follow the trend and learn investment, you will only be deceived. It is better to spend money rather than being scammed~~ Although the amount of deceived is not high, but I am still very upset [d83d][dc7f] Dear friends, be caution~ Please be careful with investment. I want to publicize it on major websites, so that I can have a deep understanding of myself. Don't easily believe people you don't know, or people who claim to help you.
被這種停業的,我也只能自認倒楣,聽信於人之前沒用心做功課,被殺豬盤給騙了。 別傻傻跟風學投資,只有被騙的份,要被騙錢還是自己花掉心裡還爽快些~~~雖然被騙的金額不高,但心裡還是很不爽👿 各位胞友們小心注意~投資請小心謹慎。 我要再各大網站宣傳一下,讓我自己深刻認知,別輕易相信不認識的人,或宣稱幫助你的人。