Sell ​​fake coins! Platform fraudulently! Occupiedclient assets



2022-03-16 12:08国旗Albania
I will deposit 8000u in zt exchange in December 2021! Buy roningmz in January 2022! This coin was delisted on 2-22! I have not received any text messages or emails! I opened zt at 18:00 on the 2-22. of Beijing time! The asset column is found to be zero! And I consult customer service immediately and realized that roningmz coin trading pair is off the shelf! Your exchange can make fraud rules! And have the right to delist the coin! But you suspend the withdrawal as soon as it is on the shelf! Violation of client account assets! Outright fraudulent customer!
本人于2021年12月入金zt交易所8000u!2022年1月买入roningmz!该币种于2-22下架!当中本人未接到任何短信或邮件!我于北京时间2-22.日下午18点打开zt!发现资产一栏为零! 并立即咨询客服!方知roningmz币交易对下架! 你交易所可以制定黑暗规则!并有权下架该币! 但你一下架就暂停提币!侵犯客户帐户资产! 赤裸裸的欺诈客户!
Unable to Withdraw