The founder of VB network , Fishbone, formerly known as Chen Linfeng, forced people to exchange fil miners by choking their necks, emptied the exchange, and ran away



2021-07-19 10:35国旗Hong Kong China
The fil mining machine of the same board is exchanged at two prices for VB network at a price of 3,076 US dollars/1T. The price of his company's sale of 460 US dollars/1T is 7 times. VB network will not let you withdraw coins, but it wil force you to exchange for the mining machine. There are the following pictures to testify that this behavior is a shameful behavior, which is same as the exchange in disguise. Now the exchange is an empty shell and all the funds are gone. Chen Linfeng cheats the old fans of these exchanges dumb. If there are old VB fans who have been deceived, you can check to see if this is the case.
同样魔板的fil矿机他以两种价格给人 VB网兑换的价格3076美金1T,自己公司售卖460美金1T价格相差7倍,VB网不让你提币就是掐脖子逼着你兑换矿机。 有以下图作证 这种行为就是个赖皮可耻垃圾的行为 也就是变相关闭交易所,现在交易所就是个空壳子里面资金全部被鱼骨头原名陈林峰掏空,让这些交易所的老粉吃哑巴亏。如果有VB网老粉受过骗的可以看看证实一下,是不是这回事。