Launch air coins to cheat people



2021-05-11 05:27国旗Hong Kong China
The daily trading volume is over 10 billion. It will exceed Huobi and Binance sooner or later according to the trend. But in fact, the data is made by themselves! No other market is willing to accept their coins after you mine the coins in HKEX. In short, you can’t sell it. It doesn’t make any sense if you can’t sell it.
最近每天交易额都超过百亿,按照这个计算方式,马上就要超过火币、币安。但是真相确实这些数据都是交易所自己刷出来的!不过是后台操纵自己刷量得出来的数据而已。 根据爆料称,在HKEX交易所挖矿,挖出来的代币根本就没有二级市场愿意接受,简而言之就是根本卖不出去。如果一种代币只能持有不能变现的话,那么无论代币表面上多么值钱,其实就等同于空气,没有任何用处。 从头至尾,HKEX交易所的矿机项目说白了就只是一个收割韭菜的幌子而已,没有矿机也会有其他方式去收割。
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