Kraken Commits $250,000 to Advancing Ethereum’s Blockchain Upgrade Efforts


Loại hình liên quan: Others

2021-08-24 04:48

Today we are excited to announce that Kraken has donated $250,000 to the Ethereum Foundation to support developer teams working to achieve critical milestones on the Ethereum roadmap. We believe it’s our responsibility to support the open-source innovators who are building the next generation of Ethereum, one of the key pillars of the crypto ecosystem.  “As the first major exchange to list ETH for trading, Kraken is proud once again to lead the way by giving back to the courageous builders who are hard at work on the front lines of crypto innovation,” said Kraken CEO and cofounder Jesse Powell. Funds will be awarded to developers working on nodes that support the Ethereum software over the coming months, going directly to projects that together power more than 80 percent of the distributed Ethereum network.  Kraken clients are equally excited by, and committed to, Ethereum’s potential to shape a decentralized future. Since last December alone, our clients have staked more than 800,000 ETH – worth over $1.8 billion – to Ethereum’s Beacon Chain through their accounts, locking funds that can’t be made available until Ethereum makes essential migrations on its upcoming roadmap.  Our donation follows our December grant to the decentralized Ethereum funding platform Gitcoin, which helped Kraken distribute $150,000 to Ethereum infrastructure projects.  If you’re new to Ethereum and just hearing about staking, you can check out our staking guide on our Learn center. There, you’ll find details about how you can buy and stake ETH, earning rewards on your crypto on the Kraken exchange. You’ll also be able to learn about Ethereum, its transition to proof-of-stake, and other assets that you can stake on Kraken.  Be sure to also bookmark the Kraken blog, so you receive up-to-date information about future Kraken grants and learn how we’re helping to make the future of crypto more accessible to all. Share this: - Twitter - Facebook - Like this:Like Loading...