A Visit to Stockpoint in Estonia - No Office Found

Estonia Estonia
Field Survey Time:2023-11-23
A Visit to Stockpoint in Estonia - No Office Found
A Visit to Stockpoint in Estonia - No Office FoundA Visit to Stockpoint in Estonia - No Office Found

Harju County, Estonia

Reason for this visit

Cryptocurrency activities are welcome in Estonia. Thanks to Estonian government's open regulation of cryptocurrencies in a positive manner, an increasing number of crypto exchanges are planning to join this market. To help investors or practitioners have a better understanding of these exchanges in Estonia, WikiBit survey team is going to the country for on-site visits to the local companies.

On-site visit

The survey team visited cryptocurrency exchange Stockpoint (licensee: Stockpoint OÜ) in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, according to its regulatory address that Kadaka tee 72a-323 kab, Mustamäe linnaosa, Tallinn, Harju maakond, 12618.

The investigators arrived at Kadaka tee 72a in Tallinn, where a modern 3-story office building was situated. The building was decorated with a façade featuring French window design, with plenty of vehicles parked in front of it.


After entering the building, the survey personnel found different kinds of stores, but didnt see any related information of cryptocurrency exchange Stockpoint.

Through an on-site investigation, it is confirmed that the company doesnt have a physical presence at the location.



The survey team went to Tallinn in Estonia to visit cryptocurrency exchange Stockpoint as planned, but didnt find the company at its regulatory address. This indicates that the company may just register at the place without a physical business office. Therefore, investors are advised to choose the exchange cautiously.


The content is for informational purpose only, and shall not be taken as a final order for making a choice.

Broker Information




5-10 years | Digital Currency License | High potential risk
  • Company Name: Stockpoint
  • Country/ Region of Registry: Estonia
  • Company Abbreviation: Stockpoint
  • Official Email: info@stockpoint.io
  • Twitter : https://twitter.com/StockPoint4
  • Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/stockpoint.io
  • Customer Service Number: --