They told me to pay 20% tax, they said on September 23, 2022, it was free to withdraw or WD but in fact I couldn't withdraw it, and the application couldn't.

yanoe channel


2022-09-27 22:14国旗Indonesia
I asked to pay 20% tax after I paid 20% tax and he said on September 23, 2022, please free to withdraw or WD but, in fact I can't withdraw it, and the application can't be accessed anymore.
Sayaa suruh bayar pajak 20% setelah saya bayar pajak yang 20% dan katanya tanggal 23 september 2022 silakan baru bebas menarik atau WD tapi, nyatanya saya tidak bisa menariknya, dan aplikasinya tidak bisa di akses lagi.
Unable to Withdraw