The account is maliciously suspended and cannot withdraw



2022-06-27 13:38国旗Hong Kong China
A few days ago, fluctuation is fast and I will be liquidated if I do not close the position for 100 times leverage. I did not trade a lot and they suspend my accoutn when there is a huge fluctuation. There is no warning about high-frequency trading. I do not want to trade at here anymore. That is why people do not want to trade at here. It becomes worse and worse.
前几天波动快 100倍杠杆不平等着爆仓还说高频交易 平时本来就没做几单 遇见波动大的时候搞这样 直接封号 也没有提醒高频交易 都是提醒高频 大不了不在这玩了 都是本金退还 难怪都不愿意玩这个交易所 越做越臭
Unable to Withdraw