Unable to withdraw. Induce fraud



2022-06-09 09:33国旗Hong Kong China
Hello, we just received the notification from relevant department that there are reports from users in China that our platform has not paid personal income tax, and it needs to be paid in accordance with the provisions of Articles 1 and 2 of relevant regulations. The original is as follow: The regulations of No. 114 and No. 818: The income obtained from the acquisition of the player's virtual currency and selling it to others after a price increase is taxable income for personal income tax, and personal income tax should be calculated and paid according to the "income from property transfer" item. 2. The original value of the property of individuals selling virtual currency is the price paid by them to acquire online virtual currency and related taxes. State Administration of Taxation The total profit in your account: 419942, so the funds you need to pay according to the tax law are: 83988.This is the original words of the liar, not only cannot withdraw money, but also require to continue to transfer 20% personal income tax to unfreeze.
您好刚刚接到有关部门通知,接到中国区用户举报我们平台收入全部没有缴纳个人所得税,根据相关法规第一和第二条规定需要补缴,原文如下: 京地税个114号和国税函818号的规定: 一、个人通过网络收购玩家的虚拟货币,加价后向他人出售取得的收入,属于个人所得税应税所得,应按照"财产转让所得"项目计算缴纳个人所得税。 二、个人销售虚拟货币的财产原值为其收购网络虚拟货币所支付的价款和相关税费。 国家税务总局 您的账户共计盈利:419942 所以根据税务法您需要缴纳的资金为:83988 这是骗子原话,不止无法提币还要求继续转账20%个人所得税才能解冻。
Unable to Withdraw