System upgrading. Likely to ran away.



2021-08-04 21:19国旗Hong Kong China
KraKen operated for 10 years and was of good reputation and low handling fees. It sent the notice as follow on July 29. It kept under maintenance for a week. It said they would reply within 24 hours, which was like a joke to Chinese users. They disappeared and we hoped someone could help to investigate the truth. Please do not be cheated by small profits, and deal with coin trades carefully. We are still waiting because of the profits. Investment should be made under professional guidance. The trading process would be regularly in 24 hours. It was what KraKen like in the past. But now we are unable to withdraw because the app showed the system was under maintenance.
拥有10年历史的KraKen平台,不但信誉良好,提现手续费少,适合老手,不宜新手,但却在7月29日发来系统告示,详情请看图片中公告上的字,这公告也是莫名其妙,也是等了快一个星期了,到现在也还在维护中,按理说他上面写着24小时维护会给予我们回复,但是好像在戏弄我们这些中国用户,这几天就好像在中国市场人间蒸发的消失不见了,希望能帮我们这些人查查,这其中到底发生了什么,还是说KraKen在隐瞒着什么秘密,这些我们都不得而知,但是我还是希望,大家不要贪小便宜,买币需谨慎和冷静,现在也还是在默默等待着KraKen归来的那天,毕竟他也是历史悠久和信誉良好,毕竟之前也赚了不少,都是跟着趋势和专业人士去赚钱,而不是糊涂乱买,买币还是选大平台比较好,也需要找专业人士学习的,至于正规的大平台无论是充币和提币,还是买币,走的程序都是非常人性化和正规性的,并且几乎都是24小时之内,都会给予回复和处理,这就是当年的KraKen,不知道现在的它处境究竟如何,是悲是喜,不得而之! (之前充进去的钱,还没提现出来,现在软件就天天显示着系统维护中或者操作繁忙,仿佛有种被坑了的感觉,真觉得自己活该)