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You Can Play Super Nintendo, N64, and Other Classic Games on Bitcoin—Heres How

You Can Play Super Nintendo, N64, and Other Classic Games on Bitcoin—Heres How WikiBit 2024-02-25 03:03

Thanks to the Ordinals protocol, crypto users have inscribed more than 50 million bits of media on t

Thanks to the Ordinals protocol, crypto users have inscribed more than 50 million bits of media on the Bitcoin blockchain over the last year, from artwork to profile pictures to, yes, even playable video games.

得益于 ordinals 协议,加密用户去年在比特币区块链上刻录了超过 5000 万位媒体,从艺术品到个人资料图片,甚至是可玩的视频游戏。

The Bitcoin-based alternative to NFTs lets users etch games and applications onto the chain, effectively preserving them for as long as the decentralized network lives. Some see this as a way to ensure classic games survive in an era in which digital games are delisted and hard to access. Others just think its cool or funny.

基于比特币的 nft 替代方案允许用户将游戏和应用程序蚀刻到链上,只要去中心化网络存在,就可以有效地保留它们。一些人认为这是确保经典游戏在数字游戏被下架且难以访问的时代生存的一种方式。其他人只是认为这很酷或有趣。

Whether you see it as a gimmick or a godsend, however, the fact remains that you can play some old-school games that are running on Bitcoin. None of these web-based games are officially sanctioned ports from the original developers, but there are pretty good renditions in the mix. Here are a handful worth checking out.


Super Nintendo


One of the latest and potentially most expansive options is an entire classic video game console—well, at least a digital recreation of it. A Bitcoin Ordinals project called Pizza Ninja from the team behind the Ninjalerts app announced in January 2024 that it has inscribed a customized Super Nintendo emulator onto Bitcoin.

最新且可能最广泛的选择之一是完整的经典视频游戏控制台 - 嗯,至少是它的数字娱乐。 ninjalerts 应用程序背后的团队的一个名为 pizza ninja 的比特币 ordinals 项目于 2024 年 1 月宣布,它已在比特币上刻录了一个定制的超级任天堂模拟器。

People who buy the upcoming Pizza Ninja assets on Ordinals can use the emulator, which can be used legally to play public domain games or those that the user owns via digital copies called ROMs. The YouTube video above shows a brief demo of how it will work.

在 ordinals 上购买即将推出的 pizza ninja 资产的人可以使用模拟器,该模拟器可以合法地用于玩公共领域的游戏或用户通过称为 rom 的数字副本拥有的游戏。上面的 youtube 视频简要演示了它的工作原理。

Nintendo 64

任天堂 64

After inscribing the Super Nintendo emulator, the Ninjalerts team used newer Ordinals compression tech to put an emulator for the more powerful Nintendo 64 console onto Bitcoin. As with the SNES, Pizza Ninja profile picture (PFP) owners will be able to access the on-chain version of the emulated console, but will have to provide their own digital game copies to play.

在写入超级任天堂模拟器后,ninjalerts 团队使用更新的 ordinals 压缩技术将更强大的任天堂 64 控制台的模拟器安装到比特币上。与 snes 一样,pizza ninja 个人资料图片 (pfp) 所有者将能够访问模拟控制台的链上版本,但必须提供自己的数字游戏副本才能玩。



Pac-Man on Bitcoin. Image: Decrypt


In terms of fully self-contained games inscribed on Bitcoin, its tough to beat Pac-Man. This rendition, minted as Ordinals inscription #189,058 in February 2023, serves up a pretty pristine recreation of the original arcade smash, along with sequel Ms. Pac-Man and an unofficial Cookie-Man version inspired by “Sesame Street” icon Cookie Monster.

就完全独立的比特币游戏而言,吃豆人很难被击败。这个版本于 2023 年 2 月被铸造为序号铭文 #189,058,提供了对原始街机粉碎的相当原始的再现,以及续集《吃豆人》和受《芝麻街》图标饼干怪物启发的非官方饼干人版本。



Tetris on Bitcoin. Image: Decrypt


Tetris is widely considered a pretty perfect video game, captivating gamers for decades with its balance of simple mechanics and challenging pace as it ramps up. And now you can play Tetris on Bitcoin via Ordinals inscription #35,043,603. It‘s pretty much the real deal, albeit with an odd new piece with six blocks. Also, the mouse controls aren’t super ideal. But it‘s free to play, it’s Tetris, and its running on Bitcoin.

俄罗斯方块被广泛认为是一款相当完美的视频游戏,数十年来以其简单机制和挑战性节奏之间的平衡吸引着游戏玩家。现在您可以通过序数铭文 #35,043,603 在比特币上玩俄罗斯方块。这几乎是真正的交易,尽管有一个奇怪的新作品有六个街区。此外,鼠标控制也不是非常理想。但它是免费的,它是俄罗斯方块,并且在比特币上运行。



Doom clone on Bitcoin. Image: Decrypt


Maybe you noticed the quotation marks above around Doom. That‘s because this isn’t a direct port of the original, influential id Software first-person shooter classic. But it‘s Doom-esque, plus it’s one of the earliest inscriptions from February 2023 at #466. This is one of the examples where it was probably inscribed as an experiment, or because they could, rather than serving any notable preservation need. Still, if youre wondering whether Bitcoin can run Doom, the answer is… kinda!

也许您注意到上面 doom 周围的引号。这是因为这不是原版、有影响力的 id software 第一人称射击经典游戏的直接移植版。但这是末日风格的,而且它是 2023 年 2 月第 466 号最早的铭文之一。这是它可能被列为一项实验的例子之一,或者因为它们可以,而不是满足任何显着的保存需求。不过,如果你想知道比特币是否可以运行《毁灭战士》,答案是……有点!



Zork on Bitcoin. Image: Decrypt

zork 对比特币的看法。图片:解密

Text-based adventure Zork is one of the early, influential video games, and it‘s also one of the first games ever inscribed on Bitcoin at Ordinals inscription #146. The 1977 Infocom classic is sure to feel jarring to modern players who grew up on 3D worlds, but it’s playable, and it still does a surprising job of serving up a compelling atmosphere via text on a black screen. And seeing this kind of retro gem up and running on Bitcoin is interesting.

基于文本的冒险 zork 是早期、有影响力的视频游戏之一,也是首批在比特币上铭文的游戏之一,编号为#146。对于在 3d 世界中长大的现代玩家来说,1977 年的 infocom 经典游戏肯定会感到不和谐,但它是可玩的,而且它仍然通过黑屏上的文本营造出引人入胜的氛围,令人惊讶。看到这种复古的宝石在比特币上运行是很有趣的。


Snake on Bitcoin. Image: Decrypt


Even earlier than Zork on Bitcoin was this rendition of Snake, the classic pre-smartphone mobile game. It‘s simplistic in approach: You’ll use the directional keys to turn the blocky snake and try to pick up additional blocks, extending your size in the process. Inscribed as Ordinal #142, this version is super fast and your snake can just loop from one edge of the screen to the other without dying, which means there‘s not much challenge in the mix. But it’s an early Ordinals experiment that undoubtedly leads to many others ahead.

甚至比比特币上的 zork 还要早的是《贪吃蛇》的这款游戏,这是一款经典的前智能手机游戏。它的方法很简单:您将使用方向键转动块状蛇并尝试拾取更多块,在此过程中扩展您的尺寸。铭文为 ordinal #142,这个版本速度超级快,你的蛇可以从屏幕的一个边缘循环到另一边缘而不会死亡,这意味着混合中没有太多挑战。但这是一个早期的序数实验,无疑会引领许多其他实验。

Edited by Ryan Ozawa.


Editor's note: This story was originally published on January 13, 2024 and last updated with new information on February 24.

编者注:本文最初发布于 2024 年 1 月 13 日,最后更新时间为 2 月 24 日。


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