有人在 Facebook 上冒充比特币交易者



2021-08-02 05:41国旗尼日利亚
Facebook 上的比特币诈骗: 这是Facebook 上普遍的诈骗方式,创建群组并添加大量成员来欺骗人们。 Facebook 上的一个名为 Bitcoins world traders 的团体声称是真实合法的比特币交易者。他们承诺会交易并发送比特币给盈利的人,他们诱骗你相信并与他们一起投资。以下图片是他们诈骗的过程。
Bitcoin Scams on Facebook Facebook has become means of scamming people around the world some bad people are using it to create groups and add huge members just to scam people. A group on Facebook call Bitcoinsworldtraders is claiming to be a real and legit world Bitcoin trader. They are collecting bitcoins from people promising that they will trade and send them profits their convince you to the extend you believe and invest with them.. Below are the pictures proofs of how they scammed me.