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AI prevê preço SHIB para 1º de maio de 2024

AI prevê preço SHIB para 1º de maio de 2024 WikiBit 2024-04-19 20:01

After a surge in popularity of meme coins in March, cryptocurrencies have seen a notable price decline over the past week.  In particular, Shiba Inu

  Tabela de preços SHIB de 7 dias. Fonte:

  In the last 24 hours, the price has climbed nearly 4%; however, this slight improvement is balanced by the fact that SHIBs market capitalization has experienced a notable decline over the last week decreasing from over $16 billion to approximately $13 billion.

  SHIB technicals based on the last 24h. Source:

  Looking at the last 24 hours, moving averages suggest selling, while oscillators lean towards neutrality. However, on the one-week timeframe, the trend flips. Moving averages now indicate a buy signal, while oscillators remain neutral.

  Shibarium transaction numbers

  According to data from Shibariumscan, new transactions on the Ethereum Layer-2 scaling solution have reached 475,0292 as of press time. However, this figure still falls significantly short of the peak of 958,500 transactions that Shibarium previously recorded, before experiencing a substantial drop of 63.2% three days ago.

  SHIB transactions chart. Source:

  Neve­rtheless, this positive deve­lopment aligns with historical trends, suggesting the­ possibility of future price increase­, and coincides with recent gains obse­rved in SHIB and BONE tokens.

  All in all, the long-te­rm sustainability of this recovery remains to be­ seen.

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