LocalBitcoins 上的騙局差點導致損失 2 BTC



2021-08-03 12:38国旗尼日利亞
LocalBitcoins 是世界上廣泛使用的點對點比特幣交易所之一。經常在 LBC 上交易的 Arun 投放了一個廣告來出售 2 BTC。兩個 BTC 大約為 13,000 美元。他收到了買家 Shoibsheikh786 的交易請求,聲稱他轉移了 BTC 資金,及其偽造的 Arun 在 LBC 上被騙了近 2 個比特幣,通過短信欺騙、篡改證據和對 localbitcoins 管理員的謊言實施詐騙。以下是假警報截圖。
LocalBitcoins is one of the widely used Peer-to-Peer Bitcoin exchange in the world.Arun, who often trades on LBC placed an ad to sell 2 BTC. Two BTC will roughly be about $13,000 USD . He received a trade request from a buyer Shoibsheikh786. The claim that he transferred BTC money and its fake Arun was scammed of almost 2 Bitcoins on LBC with sophisticated methods such as sms spoofing, evidence tampering and downright lying to the admins of localbitcoins. Below are fake alert screenshot and