A Site Visit to the Cryptocurrency Exchange BTC Bear in London, England to Find No Real Business Premises Here.

Larden Road, London, England
Inspection Reason
Recently, some investors have called and required us to expose more local cryptocurrency exchanges in the England. Moreover, England's cryptocurrency market is one of the most active and liquid markets in the world. To help investors understand England’s cryptocurrency exchanges more comprehensively, the inspection team went to Engalnd to visit.
Inspection Process
The inspection team went to London, England to visit the cryptocurrency exchange BTC Bear. Its address is 8 Fielding Road, London, England.
The investigators came to the destination, No. 8 Fielding Road, London, England, and found an old English-style building here, which is veryclose to the Hyde Park.
The investigators were about to enter the building to visit. Unfortunately, the door was locked. No logo or name of the cryptocurrency exchange BTC Bear was found outside the building. The investigators had no choice but to return.
Inspection Conclusion
The investigators visited the cryptocurrency exchange BTC Bear in London, England and didn’t find this exchange by its public business address. Thus, the cryptocurrency exchange BTC Bear may not have a real business premises. Investors are advised to choose this exchange carefully.
Inspection statement
The above content and opinions are for reference only and not as the final selection basis.
Broker Information
- Company Name: BTCBear
- Country/ Region of Registry: United Kingdom
- Abbreviation: BTCBear
- Official Email: --
- X : https://twitter.com/BTCBearofficial
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/BTCBear-789013354541333
- Customer Service Number: --